Survey Results
Posted on Jul 12th, 2014
Things you would like addressed at the Meeting (list in order of importance, most important first)
Playground maintenance/improvement, basketball court maintenance, operating ATV's and golf carts on the road (specifically with children driving; it's illegal and dangerous)
Yard maintenance. Some properties appear to be building trash and debris and landscapes are not maintained. It leads to a degradation in all our home values. I would like a vote to investigate the opportunity and costs to hire an outside organization to manage the HA.
Would to see the columns on 1660 straighten and made plumb and perhaps a nicer entrance constructed.
Playscape is in need of replacement and maybe some sort of canvas sunshade over it. Homes with no rear fence, it would look nicer if when people drive past the neighborhood if every house had a fence.
Homeowners keep their front yards mowed and free of junk 2. Homeowners are provided a quarterly accounting of association's income and expenditures 3. Dead trees and brush be cleared near pond
Timeline on county to seal and/or repair neighborhood roads
OBVIOUS, but IGNORED deed restriction violations -- junk cars, broken down lawnmowers buried in tall grass in the front yard, horse trailers, piled up garbage in trashy front yards and driveways, unmowed grass taller than the fence, 4 year old broken, dangling Christmas lights, commercial mop bucket on the front porch for 4 years, falling apart and unrepaired fencing, etc.... AND what you will DO ABOUT these things, instead of all of us just hearing what you have to SAY ABOUT it all.
Playscape area
Possibility of a neighborhood watch program Compliance with deed restrictions Septic alarm awareness
Right of way mowing
Play scape Landscape
Upcoming projects
Playscape and sport court repairs
What is one thing you would like to see changed in the Neighborhood?
The 2 one-way streets on Red River into two-way streets. People already disregard the signs which are law and there is plenty of room for two-way traffic.
Improved and maintained property to improve the value of all our homes in the neighborhood.
It would be nice if atleast once a month the grass was mowed around the outside of the neighborhood. This helps to cut down on mice and in turn the snakes.
Garbage cans be kept behind fences or in garages
Adding mowing of 1660/rio grande entrance into maintenance program
MORE ACTION and LESS TALK about how much action you are going to do...
I think all is going well.
Don't know what can be done if anything but a few areas of our neighborhood roads have severe level changing cracks making walking, especially at night, a safety concern.
Landscape at FM 1660 entrance
1660 entrance to be updated in some way.
more park amenities